5 Steps to Identify your Moments of Truth and Impress your Clients

On recent surveys performed on behalf of Butler Street Research clients, key contacts within their existing customers provided insights about recent positive and negative experiences with their company. Everyone, including me, was excited to see the raving testimonials from their clients about the great service they received from them.
It was a little harder to swallow the feedback from those that didn't. Somewhere along the way, either something went wrong that may or may not have been resolved, there was a single bad experience, or even multiple. Now there are potentially key decision makers who are now questioning their decision to use them, and/or end-users of their services that have probably already shared their perception inside their organization, and worse yet - to others.
Working with multiple clients to perform net promoter surveys, I've seen first-hand how what seems so small can make such a big difference. Known at Butler Street as a "moment of truth", any situation, in which a client comes into contact with any aspect of the organization, however remote or brief, is an opportunity to form an opinion of the company, and thus the brand. Every single touch-point is a moment of truth, whether it be anything from visiting the website, or calling about an invoice.
Your job is to make each moment of truth that you have contribute positively to your brand. If everyone in the organization follows the same mantra, single positive experiences with one client will turn into multiple positive experiences for multiple clients, it will distinguish your brand in the marketplace, and… result in growth.
Consider the insights from these two leaders -
Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder and CEO, knows the importance of the customer experience and how it contributes to Amazon's current and future success. He has said, "If there's one reason we have done better than any of our peers in the internet space over the last six years, it is because we have focused like a laser on customer experience."
When asked in an interview about customer experience, Tom Grothues of USAA (United Services Automobile Association) replied that, "USAA has an uncompromising commitment to provide world class experiences – it’s simply in our DNA. Member satisfaction and retention are two key indicators of the memberships’ experience with USAA, and we are industry leading in both."
It is not surprising that both Amazon and USAA have extremely high Net Promoter Scores and have led in the rankings for their respective industries year after year.
Steps to Identify your Moments of Truth and Impress your Clients
Map out every possible interaction a client can have with your organization - these are your moments of truth
Perform a net promoter score survey - leverage a 3rd party to execute regular client loyalty surveys
Read every single comment - ensure that your clients' feedback has not fallen on deaf ears
Respond to every client that took the survey
Leverage Promoters through testimonials and referrals - chances are that these individuals are already promoting your brand in the marketplace.
Take the opportunity to find out how to turn a Passive into a Promoter - if you ask, they will tell you!
Learn exactly what wrongs you need to right - find out where you are not delivering in your moments of truth
Take action!
By working across teams to deliver exceptional service, it will prove the difference that great service makes. Keep your customers involved in your activities and use every available channel available to speak with them. Listen, listen, listen to them.
Remember, not many people can sell a customer, but anyone can lose one.
If you'd like to learn what your customers are experiencing in their moments of truth with your organization, Butler Street can perform a Net Promoter Score survey on your behalf, regardless of the industry, and provide coaching to ensure you are taking the right actions to impress your customers.
Contact us to get started on your growth plan. It's fast, easy, and practically free.
Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.