I know during my interview process, you thought I could be a sales superstar. So did I. And while I am achieving my goals, I believe I could be so much better. I could be a superstar. But one thing I have learned in sales as well as in life: No one does it alone! I need your help and the help of everyone in the company that impacts me and how I impact the customer. I believe in personal accountability and when things go wrong, please know, I always try to look in the mirror first.
Beyond holding myself accountable for top-notch results, I thought I would share with you some ways that you can help me be the best I can be: Start me off right with the onboarding, training and education I need to represent my company in a capable and professional manner. I know I am an extension of the company brand. Please know, I want to make you proud.
I understand that I will learn a lot through making mistakes in live situations, but do your best to prepare me. Invest in me and teach me the proper habits so that I may ramp up quickly and enjoy small successes early on to keep me motivated.
Provide me with products and services to sell that can help our customers. These products and services should be priced fairly with competitive differentiation so that I have chance to compete on the value I can create.
Set realistic goals and quotas to ensure I believe I can achieve them if I work hard enough. Please know that I want to win for you as much as I want to win for me… if not more.
Spend time with me. Be a coach. Everyone makes mistakes. Coach me up. Challenge me to improve. Show me how it is done so I may learn from the best. I won’t disappoint you if you invest in me.
Coach me on strategy. Make sure I am staying focused on where I can win and with whom.
Coach me on activity. If you see a drop off in my numbers. Call me on it. I probably won’t like it, but it will help me in the long run.
Coach me on skill. Pre-call planning, effective questioning, objection handling. Challenge me. Role-practice with me.
There may be times when my positive attitude begins to wane, call me on it. Remind me that attitude is the gate to the mind and that it is one of the few things I have 100% control over. I will bounce back.
Remind me that when I lose an opportunity, that I need to say, “I was outsold.” That way I am forced to look in the mirror and make the necessary adjustments. Personal accountability is key.
When I get mad at my customers, remind me that my paycheck is made up of customer money.
When I am on a really good run, remind me of all the good habits I exercised upon to get there and that good can go bad in a hurry if I deviate from those good habits. Whisper in my ear that “Nothing is permanent, not the good times, not the bad times.” I will understand.
Go to bat for me internally when I need the support to service my customers. Let me know I can count on you to challenge that status quo.
Force me to continue to invest in my own personal development. Remind me that the ability change, requires an ability to learn.
Recognize me when I perform above and beyond. Know that recognized behavior gets repeated. I am not asking you to do it for me. I am prepared to make my numbers. I am asking you to coach me and push me to be the best I can be. Give me the tools, training and coaching support and I will become that superstar we both thought I could be.
A “B” Player that wants to be an “A” player
How does your sales leadership stack up?
At Butler Street, we understand that a great sales team starts with great sales leadership and great sales leadership starts with The Four Cornerstones of Success: Attitude, Personal Accountability, Perseverance and Habit. Contact us to learn more about how creating “A” Leaders can create more “A” Players.