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The Power of the High Road Mindset in Leadership

Refreshing Your Perspective in Times of Uncertainty


image of leader taking the high road mindset

Since 2018, I’ve made it a point to attend at least one personal development event every year, whether in person or virtually. This practice helps me stay informed and motivated, maintaining a mindset open to learning. For me, that event is the International Maxwell Leadership IMC conference in Orlando. This gathering brings together a global community of leaders, coaches, and certified trainers, all united by a commitment to leadership growth. John C. Maxwell, the author of 90 books on leadership, founded this community.

At this conference, I connect with entrepreneurs from 168 countries, exchanging best practices and accessing resources that support personal and professional growth. These resources include tools on communication, leadership, financial insights, marketing, and more.

As I prepared for this summer’s conference, I hesitated for a moment. This year has been tough, filled with uncertainty and concerns about the economy, political instability, and global issues. But I reminded myself that during such times, it’s crucial to invest in recharging and gaining a fresh perspective. I’m glad I decided to go; I returned energized with ideas that I’m eager to put into practice. Here are a few lessons I took away from the four days of sessions, Q&A panels, and networking:

Leadership Rooted in Values

Leadership is more important now than ever. We all understand the need for leaders who can inspire others to work towards a common goal. But leadership skills alone aren’t enough. Strong values like honesty, integrity, excellence, and accountability are essential for leaders to act in the best interests of their people. Businesses led by individuals lacking these values tend to be manipulative and ultimately less effective. Leaders who don’t focus on developing new leaders within their organizations can stifle growth.

Each of us is the leader of our own life first. We must lead ourselves and hold ourselves accountable for our actions. Consider these questions:


  • What are the most important values in our organization?

  • How often do we check if our actions align with these values?

  • Do we encourage those around us to lead with their values?


Adding Value to Others

No matter your industry, strive to add value to every interaction—with customers, prospects, employees, or friends. This approach not only helps build meaningful relationships but also keeps you focused and intentional in your interactions. Ask yourself:


  • How can I add value to my customers, employees, or prospects today?

  • What do I need to know to support their goals?

  • How can my actions align with those needs?

The Importance of a Positive Mindset

It’s easy to let external circumstances influence our attitude, but we have the power to control our mindset by taking charge of our thoughts, behaviors, and actions. At Butler Street, we start every training course with our Four Cornerstones of Success, the first of which is attitude. A negative attitude leads to negative outcomes. On the other hand, a positive mindset helps generate solutions and motivates us to tackle challenges.

Consider these questions to protect your mindset:

  • Do I recognize when my attitude or thoughts are negative?

  • How do I reset that pattern?

  • Do I listen to negative self-talk, or do I encourage myself positively?

Taking Action

It’s easy to talk about our vision and goals, but action is what bridges the gap between where we are and where we want to be. The world is full of people with good intentions, but the key is to turn intention into intentional action. During the 32 hours of learning last week, I kept asking myself, “What will I do with all this information?” One of the mentors said something that stuck with me: “Learn a little, do a little.” It’s all about action. Success doesn’t happen without it. Mistakes and failures are part of the journey, but action is what moves us forward.

Reflect on these questions:

  • What is the one thing I need to act on today or this week?

  • What is the one action I need to be consistent with, and why?

  • What do I need to be intentional about in work, life, or health to achieve my goals?

At Butler Street, we know that strong leadership is vital, especially during challenging times. Our leadership training programs are crafted to empower you and your team with the skills necessary to lead effectively and with integrity. Each program includes The Four Cornerstones of Success®: Attitude, Personal Accountability, Perseverance, and Habit. These principles not only foster personal growth but also drive meaningful results within your organization. Contact us to take your leadership to the next level!


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