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You've Got To Start Right to Stay Right - Imagine if...

You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Simple. Basic. 100% true.

And yet, when we think of the time and effort spent recruiting and hiring a new employee, why are companies so bad onboarding them?

Just consider…

  1. According to Gallup, 88% of companies do not have a strong onboarding program

  2. According to GlassDoor, those companies with a strong onboarding program, enjoy 82% higher employee retention.

  3. According to HCI, 58% of organizations say their on-boarding program is focused on process and paperwork, and not on skills for success in their role.

Why is onboarding so important?

Because it is the first impression your brand makes with a new employee.

Imagine if you will, a remote employee two days before their start date receives a laptop with all the information they need to be effectively onboarded.

Imagine if they received a branded shirt, coffee mug, travel mug, pen, and notebook immediately connecting them to your brand.

Imagine if they received hand-written welcome notes from their teammates stuffed in with all those branded materials.

Imagine if they had a completely mapped out, four-week, blended learning program that focused on helping them build skills for their new position so that they may hit the ground running when their initial onboarding was completed.

Imagine if, along with their direct supervisor, they had another new hire to serve as an “accountability partner” to ensure they were getting the most out of the onboarding.

Imagine if the onboarding continued for eleven more months, once per week for 60 minutes, to ensure the proper progressions and skills were being developed.

Imagine if… it looks like a lot, but it is not.

To build a world-class onboarding program, in addition to what was shared earlier…

1. Your program should be accessible anytime, anywhere

2. Your program should be structured, yet flexible

3. Your program should be personalized

4. Your program should be simulating

5. Your program must be interactive & feedback-rich

6. Your program should be social

We can share details on how to start right, stay right with a world-class onboarding program resulting in reduced turnover, faster ramp-up, higher employee engagement, and better overall results. Contact us - and retain the talent you have and attract the talent you need!


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